PO Transactions

Use the Transactions function to perform these tasks:

  • Enter transactions that consist of purchasing goods or services from a vendor.
  • Set up initial vendor balances by entering outstanding invoices for purchases from your vendors.
  • Enter and edit new orders and returns.
  • Apply receipts of goods and invoices.
  • Enter return authorizations.
  • Apply debit memos.
  • Distribute the landed cost between multiple purchase order.

If you interface Purchase Order with Inventory, entering transactions in Purchase Order updates item location information, detail history, and lot and serial information in Inventory if the inventory options are set to retain this information.

If you use multicurrency, it is important to remember that the currency assigned to the vendor for which you are entering a transaction determines the transaction's currency. That is, transaction amounts are always entered in the vendor's currency. Use the Base Currency check box that appears when you select a vendor that uses a currency other than the base currency to view or enter transaction amounts in your company's base, or functional, currency.

Select To
Update Unlock fields for editing.
Copy When entering a new order, opens the PO Copy Order screen and allows you to copy purchase order information from an existing purchase order.
All Receive and invoice all line items for orders and to return and debit all line items for returns.
Print Print, if applicable, the order associated to the transaction or request. See Print Order for more information.
Deposit Enter a purchase order deposit or prepayment. See the PO Deposits Overview for more information.
  • Click the New button to open a blank purchase order record. The system will generate a new purchase order number if this is a new purchase order.
  • If you want to edit a purchase order or return, select one from the Transaction No. drop-down list.
  • Use the Transaction Type field to select the transaction type, either New Order or New Return.
  • The Net Due read-only field displays the total minus the prepayment and discount amounts.
  • An identifier for the source transaction will appear as a prefix to the transaction number that is added to the Notes field when the order is initiated from another application such as Sales Order, Project Costing, Production, or Service Director.
  • Attachments

Line Items

Use the following command buttons on the menu bar to work with the line items on the purchase order.

Select To
Re-sequence Reset the line sequence numbers if you've dragged the item lines into a different order.
Item History View the quantities, cost, and other purchase information for the selected item and location. Information for open orders that have been received but not yet posted will also appear here.
Receipts/Invoices(Auth/Debit Memo) Enter receipt, return authorization, invoice, or debit memo information. If you are entering a new Order, the Receipts/Invoices button is visible. If you are entering a new Return, the Auth/Debit Memo button is visible. See Receipts/Invoices for more information.
Source Link Create a link or break a link between a PO Transaction and a Sales Order, Job Costing, Service Director, or Manufacturing transaction.

Note: To utilize the Source Link button, you must enable the Transaction Link field and select an option other than None for the Generate Purchases from Sales Order field in the Purchase Order Business Rules.

Open the Project prompt and select a Project/Task and a Type to associate with the selected line item.

Note: You can remove project/task information by clearing the Project/Task field.

Use the Toggle button () to switch to field view.

Deleting a Transaction

  1. Select a transaction to delete from the Transaction No field.
  2. Click the Delete button, on the toolbar, to delete the selected transaction.
  3. Click Yes at the "Are you sure you want to delete selected record(s)?" prompt.

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