Price Calculator

Use the Price Calculator function to determine the price of items before you enter transactions and to help you provide verbal price quotes to your customers. Before you use the price calculator, use the functions on the Pricing menu to set up pricing information.

If you set the AR business rule Display Unit Cost on Line Items option to Yes, you will be able to see the unit cost, extended cost, and gross profit margin when using the Price Calculator.

  1. Select an item for the price calculation from the Item ID field. The item status in the selected location (see next step) is displayed in the read-only Location Status field, which allows you to see if an item has been superseded, discontinued, etc in the selected location.
  2. Select the location from which you are selling the item from the Location ID field. The first location ID appears if you did not set up a default location for the item.
  3. Select the price ID for the price calculation from the Price ID field. If you interface Sales Order with Inventory and the price ID is defined, the ID appears in the list.
  4. Select the customer ID for the price calculation from the Customer ID field.
  5. Select the customer level for the price calculation from the Customer Level field.
  6. Select the sales date, if necessary, for the price calculation from the Sale Date field. The current workstation date defaults into this field.
  7. Enter the sales quantity in the Sales Quantity field.
  8. Edit, if necessary, the unit of measure in the UOM field.
  9. Click a command button to

  10. Click To
    Calculate Calculate the unit price, extended price, and currency and exchange rate if applicable.
    Note: If a promotion applies, the promotion ID appears.
    Activity Display the Activity Log form to show activity.
    Reset Set all fields to their default values.
    Availability Open the Inventory Price and Availability View function to view inventory item prices and available quantities for all locations.
    Note: Only appears if you interface Sales Order with Inventory.