
Use the Requisitions function to select and generate purchase orders and order requests, and to determine the best vendor from which to purchase items. This function can help you find the most efficient way to restore an inventory level or satisfy a particular demand.

Records stored in the Requisitions function are not purchase orders. Use the Requisitions function to turn them into new orders, or to generate an order request that requires approval before it is turned into a live purchase order. If you choose not to generate orders from the records, they are stored indefinitely until you delete them.

For purchase orders, be aware of the purpose of the Requested Ship Date field and the Expected Receipt Date field. It is important to use these values correctly, which will give you more accurate requirements planning data. See the PO Requested Ship Date Usage Overview for more details.

To utilize an approval route, make sure that the Purchase Approvals rules are set up in the PO business rules.

Creating a New Summary Requisition

  1. Click the New button, on the toolbar, to open a blank requisition record.
  2. Select a vendor ID from the Vendor ID field or leave this field blank to have the system determine the vendor using the Determine Vendor function.
  3. Mark the Selected check box, if applicable, to include this requisition in processing.
  4. Select an item ID for which you are generating a transaction from the Item ID field. An Item ID is only required for Inventory or System Manager items. For example, you can leave the Item ID field blank and enter Miscellaneous Charge in the Description field.
  5. Select the location ID of the item in the Loc ID field.
  6. Enter the quantity of the item you want to order in the Qty field.
  7. Select the date from the Date field. If the record is created by reorder processing or by the Sales Order Transactions function, the date on which the item information was entered appears.
  8. Select the GL account for the transaction from the GL Account field. If you enter a GL Account and then determine the vendor, the entered account is retained.
  9. Select the unit of measure for the item in the Unit field.
  10. Click a command button to  
  11. Click To
    Select All Select all records.
    Unselect All Unselect all records.
    Determine Vendor Specify the method to use to determine the vendor.
    Combine Records Combine similar selected records. You must fill all fields for the record before you can combine records, but only the Vendor ID and Item ID fields must be identical. For example, if the GL Account fields for two records you want to combine different, the account corresponding to the record with the greater quantity is retained in the combined account.
    Clear Vendors Remove vendors from all selected records.
    Generate Generate purchase order transactions for the selected records. A dialog box will appear to allow you to select a batch code. Click the OK button to complete the process. After transactions are generated, the corresponding records are removed from the Requisitions screen.
    Generate Request Generate order requests for the selected records. A dialog box will appear to allow you to select a batch code. Mark the Submit generated request(s) for approval check box if you want the requisition to follow an approval route. Click the OK button to complete the process. After the requests are generated, a notification dialog box will appear, and the corresponding records are removed from the Requisitions screen.

    If you are using PO request approval routes, an Order Info screen will appear. Accept or change the approval route selected, add comments if applicable, then click Execute to initiate the approval route, Activity to view the Activity Log for PO requisitions, or Reset to set all fields to their default values.
    Source Link Create or break a link between a requisition and a job cost, sales order, service director order, or manufacturing process transaction. When you use the button, the transaction link screen opens. You can also mark the Drop Ship check box if the item is to be drop-shipped.
    Transfer If stock is available in another location, initiate a location transfer rather than a purchase order.

Creating a New Detailed Requisition

  1. Click the >> button to switch to the Detail view.
  2. Click the New button, on the toolbar, to open a blank requisition record.
  3. Select a vendor ID from the Vendor ID field or leave this field blank to have the system determine the vendor. If you are using PO approval routes, you must enter a vendor ID.
  4. Mark the Selected check box, if applicable, to include this requisition in processing.
  5. Select an item ID for which you are generating a transaction from the Item ID field.
    Note: An Item ID is only required for Inventory or System Manager items. For example, you can leave the Item ID field blank and enter Miscellaneous Charge in the Description field.
  6. Accept or edit a description for the item in the Description field.
  7. Enter, if applicable, an additional description in the Additional Desc field. When the new order is generated, additional descriptions are moved to the Additional Desc field on the Transactions screen's Line Items tab in detail view. These additional descriptions also print on the Purchase Order.
  8. Select the location ID of the item in the Location ID field.
  9. Select the GL account for the transaction from the GL Account field. Note: If you enter a GL Account and then determine the vendor, the entered account is retained.
  10. Select the date from the Date field. Note: If the record is created by reorder processing or by the Sales Order Transactions function, the date the item information was entered appears.
  11. Select a date by which you expect to receive the items in the Exp Receipt Date field. See the PO Requested Ship Date Usage Overview for more details.
  12. Enter the name of the person who entered the item information in the Ordered By field.
  13. Enter any notes associated with the requisition in the Notes field. When the new order is generated, notes are moved to the Notes field on the Transactions screen's Header tab. If you leave the notes blank, the system enters Auto Generate in this field.
  14. Select, if applicable, the ID of the application that is the source of the requisition from the Source App field.
  15. If this item is to be drop-shipped, mark the Drop Ship check box; otherwise, clear the check box.
  16. If the requisition is tied to a job cost, sales order, service director order, or manufacturing process transaction, the Linked check box will be marked.
  17. Enter the quantity of the item you want to order in the Quantity field.
  18. Select the unit of measure for the item in the Unit field.
  19. Enter the unit cost for the item in the Unit Cost field.
  20. Enter the extended cost of the item in the Ext Cost field. If you edit the extended cost, the unit cost is recalculated accordingly.
  21. Click a command button to  
  22. Click To
    Select All Select all records.
    Unselect All Unselect all records.
    Determine Vendor Specify the method to use to determine the vendor.
    Combine Records Combine similar selected records. You must fill all fields for the record before you can combine records, but only the Vendor ID and Item ID fields must be identical. For example, if the GL Account fields for two records you want to combine different, the account corresponding to the record with the greater quantity is retained in the combined account.
    Clear Vendors Remove vendors from all selected records.
    Generate Order Generate purchase orders for the selected records. After the orders are generated, the corresponding records are removed from the Requisitions screen.
    Generate Request Generate order requests for the selected records. A dialog box will appear to allow you to select a batch code. Mark the Submit generated request(s) for approval check box if you want the requisition to follow an approval route. Click the OK button to complete the process. After the requests are generated, a notification dialog box will appear, and the corresponding records are removed from the Requisitions screen.

    If you are using PO request approval routes, an Order Info screen will appear. Accept or change the approval route selected, add comments if applicable, then click Execute to initiate the approval route, Activity to view the Activity Log for PO requisitions, or Reset to set all fields to their default values.
    Source Link Create or break a link between a requisition and a job cost, sales order, service director order, or manufacturing process transaction. When you use the button, the transaction link screen opens. You can also mark the Drop Ship check box if the item is to be drop-shipped.
    Transfer If stock is available in another location, the Transfer dialog box opens to allow you to initiate a location transfer rather than a purchase order.

Editing a Requisition

  1. Select a requisition to edit.
  2. Edit the fields as necessary.
  3. Close the Requisitions function to save any changes made to the requisition.

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