Bills of Material

The Bills of Material function within Setup and Maintenance is the most important function in the Bills of Material application. Most other functions in the Bills of Material application are designed around this process, making the maintenance of the bill easier, more accurate, efficient, and flexible. The BOM consists of both material components and routings, and then makes a connection between the two.

If you do not have the Routing and Resources module installed and interfaced, you cannot use the routing features of the Bills of Material module. Even if you interface with Routing and Resources, you can disregard routing steps completely, if you like, and create BOMs that are solely material components.

Traverse Manufacturing uses industry standard methodology for creating BOMs. Bills of material are always created one level at a time without regard for other levels above or below.

A tree view on the left side of the BOM screen shows the hierarchy of the bill of material.

Use the Show/Hide button () in each section to show the section or hide it. To view more information move your mouse over the blue line at the bottom of the desired box to get a bar with arrows up and down, and drag the line down. This will expand that section of the screen to reveal the details.

Click a command button on the toolbar to

Select To
Validate Go through the BOM and check for recursive components and for at least one revision marked as the most current and not more than one revision marked as the most current. If problems exist, a message listing the issues appears.
Import Open the Import Mapped Data function.
Expand Expand all branches of the tree view for the assembly.
Collapse Collapse all branches of the tree view for the assembly.

Create a new Bill of Material

Note: The assembly ID must exist in Inventory before you can create a bill of material for it.

Click the New button on the toolbar to open a blank bill of material. The Add New Assembly screen opens.

  1. The new Assembly ID is displayed, or select an existing assembly ID to edit.
  2. The Revision is displayed and cannot be edited here.
  3. Select the Routing Type for this assembly. The available choices are 'Primary' and 'Secondary'.

    The Routing Type field is always initially set to 'Primary'. The Routing Type allows you to create more than one routing through the plant. One might think of an alternate routing, called a Secondary Routing, as another revision but since it doesn't represent a different product necessarily, it is somewhat different than a revision. The routing types represent different ways of producing the same product using a different routing.

    To add a new routing type, first create the primary routing and then change the Routing Type to 'Secondary'. This indicates to the system that a new routing is going to be created and the screen will clear all of the routing steps and allow you to re-state the routing steps. The primary and secondary routings are technically two different bills of material very similar to two revisions of a given bill of material.

  4. Click the Save button on the toolbar to save your changes.

General Section

The General section describes aspects of the entire BOM. See Add New Assembly screen under Create a new Bill of Material above for more information on these fields.

Use the Cost button in the menu bar of the General section to view the manufacturing costs for the assembly.

The first step required once the general Bill of Material information has been entered, is to set up the operations or routing.

Routing section

The Routing section represents the various steps taken to manufacture the assembly. The routing operations are listed in the order in which they are performed.

The menu bar in the Routing section has command buttons you can use to edit different aspects of the routing:

Select To
Re-sequence Re-sequence your routings using a different numbering system than the standard within Bills of Material. You can drag steps into a new order and use the Re-sequence button to renumber the steps.
Copy from Routing Select from the drop-down list to copy from the routings you have set up in the MR Routing maintenance screen. Copying a routing into the current BOM will overwrite the current routing. Use this function when creating a new BOM to copy in a routing you created in MR Routing maintenance.

Click the Save button on the toolbar to save the BOM.

The next step to set up is the Components for the bill of material. The Components Screen initially appears in Summary view. From this view you can set up the component ID, location,cost group, quantity, and unit of measure.

Component Section

The Component section lists the materials (raw and purchased) and recipes required for the associated routing step. The components are listed when the associated routing step is selected in the routing section or in the bill of materials hierarchy tree.

In most cases, you will want to enter more information than that provided on this screen and will therefore want to switch to the Detailed view of this function. To do this, simply click on the bold double arrow to the right (). This will toggle the screen into a detailed format.

Select To
Re-sequence Re-sequence your component list if you have dragged the components into a different order.
Change Routing Tie the selected component to a different routing step.

To view the General area, click on the arrow in the top right corner of the screen. This will expand the general area. You may have to drag the bottom line of the general area down to be able to view the information.

Editing a Bill of Material

  1. Select an Assembly ID from the drop-down list.
  2. The Revision for the selected assembly is read-only.
  3. Edit the Routing Type, if necessary.
  4. Edit the information in the General, Routing, and/or Component sections as necessary
  5. Click the OK button to save your New Assembly and return to the Bill of Materials screen.

Click the Save button on the toolbar to save the BOM.

Deleting a Bill of Material

You can only delete a BOM that is not in use.

  1. Select the Assembly ID for the BOM you want to delete from the drop-down list.
  2. Click the Delete button on the toolbar.
  3. Click Yes at the "Are you sure you want to delete Assembly ID '###'?" prompt.

Produce a Bills of Material List

Use the Bills of Material List function to view all the fields of the Bills of Material master records.


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