
Use the Transactions function to enter deposits, disbursements (checks and withdrawals), adjustments (for example, finance charges and service charges to your bank accounts), and transfers that have not been created through other applications. Once a transaction has been posted, you can tag it as cleared through the Cleared Transactions function.

Before you use the Transactions functions, use the Setup and Maintenance functions to set up bank accounts, recurring adjustments and review bank activity. Use the Master Lists functions to verify bank accounts and recurring adjustments.

You must enter transactions in two stages. First enter the bank account entry. Then enter the distribution or offsetting entries.

If Accounts Receivable is interfaced with Bank Reconciliation, enter deposits through that application.

If Accounts Payable is interfaced with Bank Reconciliation, enter disbursements through that application.

If Payroll is interfaced with Bank Reconciliation, enter payroll transactions and post checks through that application.

You must offset transaction entries in the Distribution section. If you attempt to exit from an unbalanced transaction, a message appears and you must return to the Distribution section to balance the transaction amount or the transaction amount and distribution amounts are set to zero.

Command buttons on the toolbar:

Select To
Import Open the Import Mapped Data function on the System Manager menu.
  • Click the New button to open a blank record. The system will generate a new transaction number if this is a new transaction.
  • Select a bank against which to apply the transaction from the Bank Account ID drop-down list.
  • If you are using the multicurrency feature, and the bank account you select is in a currency other than the base currency, mark the Base Currency check box to display amounts in the company’s base currency. Clear the box to display amounts in the selected currencies.

Totals fields at the bottom of the screen:

Field Description
Total Credit This view-only field displays the total credit amount for the transactions.
Total Debit This view-only field displays the total debit amount for the transactions.
Bal Credit This view-only field displays the credit balance amount for the transactions.
Bal Debit This view-only field displays the debit balance amount for the transactions.